Kuroneko's Pen

Archive for the tag “martial arts”

Angel Densetsu


Angel Densetsu (15 volumes; 84 chapters)

Rating: 4/5

Seiichirou Kitano is a naive and kind boy with the heart of an angel and the face of a devil. Upon entering his new school he is presumed to be a villainous heroin addict, and unwittingly becomes the leader of the schools thugs, all thanks to his frightening face. His new “friends” have great expectations of him, seeing him as a frightful demon. Kitano himself on the other hand, loathes violence and is blissfully unaware of the situation he is in…
Published from 1993-2000.

Genres: comedy, action, school, romance, martial arts, shounen

I think that if this series where shorter (like a one shot as the author originally intended), I would have rated it five stars, but after a while, I got tired of Kitano getting into fight after fight because people look at his face and assume that he’s a delinquent (though it was pretty funny at first). I enjoyed that he eventually found real friends and even a smidgen of romance, but also, the ending was kind of anticlimactic.

Side Note: I’ve recently started reading manga at the beginning of this summer, but hadn’t made posts for them yet; the posts on Yowamushi Pedal until Angel Densetsu (plus Watamote which I posted earlier because I also watched the anime) are the ones that I’ve completed since.

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